Let's find your flow!

If you find yourself lack of focus, concentration and energy, in this course you will find scientifically proven breathing techniques and movement routines that will have a direct impact in your productivity.

    1. Let's take an overview of the course!

    1. Deep Work vs. Shallow Work - What's the difference?

    1. How to do MORE by breathing LESS

    1. Why good posture is the KEY to accessing your creativity

    1. How to use your breathing to balance your nervous system and FIND YOUR FLOW

    1. Putting it all together - Move, Breathe, Play

Flow State Mini Course - Breathing and movement for better focus and concentration

  • $39.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Who is Georgie?

OA Master Instructor, Yoga Teacher and Physiotherapist in the making

 My name is GEORGIE LAWLOR. Before I discovered The Oxygen Advantage®, I struggled with painful periods, debilitating anxiety in the days leading up to my period, headaches and fatigue, mainly caused by living an unsustainable life at a million miles an hour to the point where I was hospitalised for burn out.

Determined to find a solution for my pain and fatigue, I stumbled upon Patrick’s book, The Oxygen Advantage. Patrick opened my eyes to the fact that breathing is different for women. We aren’t just “small men.” Our hormones, bodies, and even the size of our nasal airways, are different.

I’ve spent the last two years getting more in touch with my menstrual cycle. The impact on my day-to-day life has been so profound, that I feel compelled to help other women live more cyclically. To experience the shifts in all their glory.

Now, I’m an Oxygen Advantage Master Instructor and physiotherapist in the making. I specialise in helping women develop core confidence by gaining a deeper awareness of their own biological rhythms. To breathe for optimum health and performance, and to gain autonomy over their own bodies and minds, to allow them to blossom into their beautiful, authentic selves.

Who is Lucas Osorio?

Mindfulness guide, Breathwork Instructor and Freediver.

Lucas Osorio, the first Master of the Oxygen Advantage Method in Latin America, has dedicated almost all his life to learning different ways to unblock his potential. From Meditation to shamanic experiences with Ayahuasca and now fully committed to teaching people the art of functional breathing, Lucas's purpose is to teach others his discoveries during all these years of exploration.

Get back in flow, unlock your potential, starting today